‘…Business support needed for a vital new accessible mini-bus for SERVE…’

A CHARITY has made an appeal for businesses to help support a fundraising push for new mini-bus.

SERVE has launched a campaign for a second-hand bus – which is needed urgently – and for a brand new mini-bus to keep its services moving.

CEO Jess Slater said: “SERVE is a crucial part of the community with many services aimed helping people to live independently.

“Much of that community work relies on reliable and accessible transport for our service users, taking people to medical appointments, day trips and social activities – crucial for so many people.

“That is why we are appealing for help in raising money for accessible mini-buses – we are in urgent need of a second-hand vehicle and we are also looking at sourcing a brand new mini-bus.

“With your help we can achieve this – if you are would like to hold an event to help raise money for this much-needed service, please do get in touch with me.

“If you are a business and can help out, we would also love to hear to hear from you!”

Fundraising manager Nick Tite said: “We have already raised some money and we are now reaching out to see if the business community can help.

“​Recently, SERVE and ABILITY – two of the leading community transport providers in Northamptonshire and have been awarded a Community Transport Grant from the Motability Foundation to expand community transport access for disabled and disadvantaged residents of the county in areas of the most need over the next two years.

“The funding will provide additional community transport vehicles as well as support staff and the recruitment of volunteers.

“This has further driven our push to replace our existing buses and to look for volunteer drivers – if you can help, please do get in touch with me.”

If you would like to support Serve in its fundraising campaign, contact Nick on 07738 190756 or email him at


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