30 Jun Meeting Summary: Pritesh Ganatra Shares His Knowledge Of Telecoms
Last night’s NNBN meeting at the Northampton Town Centre Hotel by Accor Hotels saw a great presentation from Pritesh Ganatra from BTS UK Limited as attendees from businesses, charities and organisations from across Northamptonshire learned more about the services his business offers, but also the change over from ISDN which is fast approaching.
Pritesh has over 25 years of industry knowledge around the Telecoms sector and his company provides a complete consultancy, audit and report based around your current and future TECHNOLOGY requirements. The report encompasses ALL equipment that is likely to, now or in the future, be a ‘connected’ device on your network, including IP Telephony / IT Systems / Internet Connections, CCTV Systems, Wi-Fi Systems, IoT (Internet of Things), Company Mobile Devices (internal or external / BOYD), Fire Alarm Systems, Photocopiers and Door Access Systems.
So the date for the cut off……. DECEMBER 2025. ISDN will be no more and Pritesh shared this with the room explaining what the ‘Switch Off’ means and that the dial tone, as we know it, will cease to exist and will be replaced by Voice Over IP (VOIP).