30 Aug Northamptonshire Chamber of Commerce Announce Q3 QES
The Northamptonshire Chamber of Commerce have launched Q3 Chamber of Commerce’s 2023 Quarterly Economic Survey.
- The QES is the largest survey of business sentiment in the UK, combining over 75,000 responses nationwide
- At a local level, it gives the local councils and the Chamber really reliable data, providing an insight into the health of the local business community and what challenges/barriers the face
- At a national level, it is used by The Government, The Bank of England and the IMF (to name a few) to set interest rates and regularly picks up big changes in the economy long before other surveys and official statistics.
The Northamptonshire Chamber of Commerce QES is just one of the many ways local businesses can add their ‘voice of business‘ to help the Chamber Network to influence policymaking, decisions and ultimately improve the business landscape. The QES has been fed into government departments, local councils and into the Bank Of England and has never been stronger, at a time of huge economic uncertainty it is important for this data to be shared far and wide.
You can take a few moments to complete the survey: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/NHMKQES