Getting Started on Small Business Climate Action with the SME Climate Hub

Small Business Saturday is a time to celebrate and support small businesses and all they do for their communities. This year, the SME Climate Hub know that small businesses need our support more than ever as they navigate, retool and pivot from the effects of the pandemic, while facing increased inflation and rising energy costs.

With hundreds of competing demands, small businesses are likely to deprioritize climate action. However, this only continues the cycle of instability. Climate resilient businesses can benefit from reduced costs, increased access to capital, unique growth opportunities, and lower business risks — it’s in their best interest to take action.

On November 30, 2022, at 11am ET / 4pm GMT, the SME Climate Hub invite small businesses around the world to learn from industry experts and their peers about:

  • Their role in combatting climate change
  • The business benefits of taking action
  • The tools provided by the SME Climate Hub to help reach their goals.

Don’t miss the chance to ask questions about the SME Climate Hub and hear from small businesses like yours that have made changes to become more sustainable. The webinar is free to attend and accessible to all small and medium sized businesses.

Please register for the event here – we look forward to seeing you there!


Small Business Saturday